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Anshika Gupta

Embracing Dualities: A Journey Through Love and Solitude

As we gaze upon these two sketches, let us embark on a journey of introspection and empathy—a dialogue with the canvas that speaks volumes about human experiences.

In the first sketch, a girl and a boy are shown hugging while vivid colours of love spill over them. Their bodies meld together, a smooth fusion of heat and desire. Every touch at this intimate moment says a thousand words, and every look is a quiet promise. The girl feels safe and protected in the boy's arms, away from the turmoil outside. She curls up in his arms and finds comfort in the beat of his heart. Their smiles convey the hope of a journey together in which love would always be the bright spot in the dark.

In the second sketch, the girl is enveloped in the soft veil of rain, her silhouette a stark contrast against the misty backdrop: a silent testament to her journey of self-discovery. What thoughts race through her mind as she walks alone in the rain? Perhaps she finds solace in the rhythmic symphony of droplets cascading around her, or maybe she seeks refuge from the noise of the world within the gentle embrace of solitude.

These two sketches are juxtaposed to encourage contemplation on the complexities of human emotions. We experience brief moments of happiness and belonging when we are embraced by another. Laughing together can bring comfort and strength when navigating life's challenges together. However, when we are alone with ourselves, we discover the gems that are concealed therein—the bravery to forge our own path and the resilience to persevere in the face of difficulty.

In essence, these two sketches are not merely images on paper—they are windows into the human soul. They remind us that love and solitude are not opposing forces, but rather two sides of the same coin. For it is in the embrace of another that we find connection, and it is in the embrace of solitude that we find ourselves.

The Girl is Me!


~By Anshika Gupta

(Junior Editor)


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